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Plongez avec les Raies Mantas en Nouvelle Calédonie avec Odyssey Diving, et découvrez les récifs coralliens
Dive adventure
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Vous pouvez plonger à la carte avec Odyssey Diving

Customized Diving

Are you a group of friends, an association club, or a family looking to go diving? Contact us to organize a diving excursion tailored to your preferences (date, location, schedule)!

Day trip

Would you like to join a group diving excursion with other divers? ODYSSEY organizes pre-scheduled outings open to everyone. To find out about our upcoming excursions, visit our events section.


Are you interested in going on a diving liveaboard? There's nothing better than embarking on an adventure and discovering the treasures of the New Caledonian lagoons! Contact us to arrange your liveaboard.

Open water PADI

About ODYSSEY Diving

ODYSSEY Diving is a diving club. We offer a unique diving experience with a deep knowledge of the New Caledonian lagoons, built upon 15 years of exploration.

ODYSSEY Diving organizes group outings and day trips.


Discover the most remote diving sites through our liveaboard cruises!


During our diving excursions, you will always find a sense of adventure. Additionally, our marine biologist instructors will help you better understand the surrounding biodiversity.


Come and explore the underwater world with ODYSSEY Diving!

Why dive with
ODYSSEY Diving ?

At ODYSSEY Diving, our approach to diving revolves around four key principles:

  1. Safety - which is our number one priority. We aim to provide you with a unique and safe diving experience.

  2. Discovery - taking you to the best dive sites at the best times, benefitting from our extensive experience.

  3. Environmental respect - we are committed to taking concrete actions every day to dive without damaging our environment, and we offset our CO2 emissions through tree planting in New Caledonia.

  4. Friendliness - creating a friendly and enjoyable atmosphere for diving moments filled with camaraderie and pleasure.

Ecoresponsable plongée
Dan Mares Plongée Nouvelle Calédonie


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